                        Of The Gulf States, Inc.
P.O. Box 1923 | Mandeville, LA 70470 | ph: 800-448-1184 | fax: 877-505-7095 | sales@businesssound.net 

Drive-thru Headset Systems
Order confirmation systems provide a way to ensure accuracy through a visual display board. It eliminates inadvertent mix-ups between communicators allowing orders to be taken more quickly. 

Delphi's 9210 series OCS includes an LED display that is easy to read and with a speaker-mic area that can be directly connected to the wireless headset system. It has all the tools to enhance a customer's drive-thru experience.

Texas Digital's AccuView order confirmation display is designed to be the most reliable in the market. Similar to the Delphi system, it can increase accuracy and overall drive-thru experience. 

Both of these systems are compatible with most major POS systems, allowing your business to see the impact of OCSs upon point-of-sale transactions. 
​The latest drive-thru technology helps to maintain accuracy and efficiency in your everyday operations. Having the proper equipment can decrease mistakes and increase volume. The ultimate goal is to give customers a higher level of satisfaction and increase your bottom line. 
We provide drive-thru products from the best innovators at 3M. The drive-thru headset systems of each of these manufacturers have similar specifications that reduce noise and allow for a better communication from both employee to customer and customer to employee. Our knowledgeable technicians can install, maintenance, and train employees on the proper useage of these user-friendly headset systems.

The new 3M manufactured XT-1 headset system offers similar benefits that increase the level of communication amongst users.

The technology of HME and 3M allow these headset systems to be calibrated with a timer system capable of producing on-site reports as well as the reports necessary for the corporate office. This centralized system holds employees accountable while making it possible to maintain the proper records for management incentive purposes. 

HME's previously manufactured System 30A timer system encourages an efficient drive-thru that challenges employees and maximizes profits. 

HME recently upgraded their timer portfolio to an even easier layout with the all new Zoom drive-thru optimization system. This system is designed to share information at anytime and anywhere with advanced network accessibility. Reports can be seen both in-store and in the back office. Displays are set up to capture the attention of employees and give immediate feedback on their current performance levels. 
If you have any questions concerning products, prices, installation procedures, or deliveries, please don't hesitate to contact us. Our friendly customer service staff will help find the best solutions for you.
Order-Confirmation Systems
Timer Systems